George Penney
Class: Barbarian-Researcher
Alignment: Chaotic Workaholic Omnivore
Ancestry: Pansexual Pirate
Fuel of Choice: Tea (milk, no sugar.)
Favourite Authors of All Time: Terry Pratchett, PG Wodehouse, John Le Carre, Hilary Mantel, Rohinton Mistry, Robert Rankin (And many more!)
George Penney is a best-selling comedy fiction author who was once saved from being a bunny-slipper-wearing academic by an unexpected three book publishing deal. She’s a driven workaholic who spends her spare time running absolutely batty TTRPG games, voraciously reading and researching for fun—when she’s not actively trying to wind up her partner-in-crime and co-writer, Tony Johnson.
George has lived a determinedly eccentric life, spanning over fifty places around the globe and blames her life choices on watching the Indiana Jones movies at an impressionable age. While no rolling boulders were available, she’s found her fair share of adventure, including being chased by a rock wielding mob, being nearly rammed off the road in a high-speed chase, and almost being poisoned by a spitting cobra. She once rescued a kitten from a troop of hungry monkeys.
She loves English, Scottish and Irish comedy, will fight to her death for a morning cup of tea, would cuddle an entire zoo if she could, adores staying up late debating philosophy, enjoys world cinema, absurd anime and new music every day. She considers both Ripley and the Alien Queen to be strong female role models.
She is utterly obsessed with sharks and would like to be eaten on her hundredth birthday by a low-flying great white.
George welcomes all and any donations towards maintaining her sanity--ehem--tea stash. If you're feeling generous, click on the button below to help a writer make words good!
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